Spammers collect e-mail addresses automatically from web pages, therefore the e-mail addresses given here are in a format that should make it more difficult for address harvesters. Please modify them as they will not work exactly as shown.
You must use a name (except "example")
from the list below, followed by |
Contact | Used for: |
example | (this example address is not valid; use one of the following) |
bwinfo | for information regarding this site |
webmanager | for comments or problems regarding the site |
Other contacts
Hotline Telephone Numbers | e-mail - replace '{at}' with '@' | |
Abandoned Vehicles: | 01727-819391 | |
Environment | 01923 471321 01438 737321 |
Floodline | 0845 988 1188 | |
Fly-tipping: | 01727 853644 | environmental{at} |
Highways: & Pot Holes | 01438 737320 01923 471320 01727 757400 |
hertsdirect{at} |
St. Stephens Parish Council | 01923 681443 | ststephenparish{at} |
Passenger Transport | 01992 556765 | |
Street Cleaning | 01727 853644 | |
Trading Standards | 01923 471300 | |
Page updated: 06 May 2008